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Mother of Valencia boy shot dead: ‘My son was targeted’ - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

SARA Subah is convinced that gunmen deliberately cornered her son Keil Paul, 15, of KP Lands, Valencia and shot him six times.

He was shot in the upper body and legs at a football match at a savannah a stone's throw away from their home on Saturday evening.

A man is warded at the Sangre Grande District Hospital in critical condition after he was also shot.

Although she could not think of a motive – but judging from the number of times he was shot – Paul's mother is convinced her son, who was a form three student at Coryal High School, was the target.

“He wasn’t killed with no stray bullet, because if it was just a shooting, one or two bullet might hit him. It was a crowd he was in, and with the amount of people that run, how nobody else pick up shot? How my son alone pick up six shots?

"This is what going through my mind. And with the rapid gunfire I hear, I don’t think anyone could have survived that, not even my child.”

It was reported that the gunmen got out of a hatchback car, shot into the crowd, cornered Paul and killed him. They then returned to the car and left. Paul was pronounced dead and his body was removed to the Forensic Science Centre for an autopsy.

Paul dreamt of joining the defence force after leaving school.

Speaking to Newsday at the Forensic Science Centre, Subah said, “To lose a child is not an easy thing, especially a child who wasn’t disobedient or disrespectful. It’s hard to cope with that feeling right now.

“He used to say, 'My mom is everything to me. She would take her last and give it to us.' He promised when he start to work he would support me, I wouldn’t have to ask for anything. That’s the kind of words I used to get from him."

Investigations are ongoing.

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