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What back pain isn't just back pain - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

Dr Maxwell Adeyemi

THE majority of people will suffer back pain at some point in life because of various causes.

While most back pain is caused by minor problems and is often resolved with treatments, some can be due to more sinister problems. No not all back pains are equal. Not all back pain is simply back pain.

Back pain can be a dull ache, a stabbing pain or a shooting sensation which may make it hard to move or stand upright.

The pain can either be acute – when it starts suddenly, often severe and largely lasts for less than six weeks, or, chronic which usually is less severe and can be nagging often lasting more than three months.

What are the risk factors for back pain?

Being overweight, morbid obesity, inactivity or poor physical fitness, job-related risks such as lifting, pulling, prolonged sitting, heavy truck, machine drivers/operators. Certain sports such as tennis, athletics etc. Then there is the heredity aspect where certain spinal diseases like spondylitis have genetic components

Smoking is another factor. Your body does not get enough nutrients to the disc if you smoke. Healing is also retarded by smoking so the pain lasts longer.

Poor diet is yet another factor especially the high consumption of saturated fats rich in arachidonic acid which promotes inflammation build-up in the body. Processed foods use and deplete micro nutrients such as magnesium while being metabolised. Magnesium encourages proper absorption of calcium, so without sufficient magnesium, calcium is not absorbed and may be dumped as painful crystals in and around the joints. Caffeine and alcohol also uses up magnesium in the body hence tends to cause inflammation.

Common causes

Muscle strain/muscle spasm-resulting from heavy lifting or strains. Work-related muscle tension from driving, prolonged sitting, pulling or from stress.

Disc breakdown/rupture, bulging or ruptured discs which may cause nerve compression especially in the sciatic nerve.

Trauma from falls, or accidents can cause fractures. Scoliosis-spinal curvatures tends to put pressure and tension on spinal muscles.

Spondylolisthesis-degeneration of the spinal structures due to aging. Arthritis which leads to degeneration and inflammation of the spinal joints.

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Spinal Stenosis: narrowing of the space around the spinal cord which can put pressure on the nerves. Even pregnancy can increase presssure on the back muscles and spint due to expansion of abdominal mass and the growing foetus.

Kidney stones may cause pain that radiates to the back. Spinal infections and osteomyelitis can be a major cause of back pain.

Endometriosis, a gynaecological problem, is often associated with back pain. Fibromyalgia-widespread muscle aches which may involve back muscles.

However, certain back pain symptoms are a sign of medical emergencies that may become life-threatening or result in disability if prompt attention is not sought.

Cauda Equina Syndrome


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