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Scotland hopes to restore confidence in police - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

NEWLY appointed minister in the Ministry of National Security Keith Scotland, SC, said his two main goals as minister were to reduce crime and restore confidence in the police.

He made the comment while responding to questions from media shortly after his letter of appointment was given to him by President Christine Kangaloo at the President’s House in Port of Spain on Friday.

“The major gap or major issue was the lack of the confidence the public had in the police service. That has a spin-off effect, because it may lead to apathy.

"In other words, people who ought to come forward and say something to the police, may not if they do not have confidence. So the first port of call is to address that lack of confidence.”

In 2023 a Police Service Commission report said only eight per cent of the population had confidence in the police. The report also said 77 per cent lived in fear of being a victim of a robbery, home invasion, or housebreaking. About 73 per cent felt unsafe leaving doors open when they were home.

In an exclusive Newsday report earlier this week, residents of St Paul Street said they felt better protected by gangs than by police. They added that gang members in the area did not fear the police officers.

On Thursday after the Prime Minister announced his appointment, Scotland told media that he would “hit the ground running.”

At the President’s House on Friday, Scotland said he would begin meeting with stakeholders on Saturday morning. Those would include civil society, the police, the Police Social and Welfare Association (PSWA) and other stakeholders.

“There is a plan in place, and it will be rolled out with them and carried out shortly.”

He said while he would have to step down as chairman of the Joint Select Committee on National Security, he would still remain as MP for Port of Spain South.

He said his role as minister in the ministry would allow him to interact differently with stakeholders than his role as MP.

“It differs in the sense that when I meet with certain people in the community, I may be able to speak to them from a different angle.”

No lost confidence in Hinds

Scotland received his letter of appointment in the presence of Dr Rowley, Minister of Planning and Development and head of Government business, Camille Robinson-Regis and Minister of National Security, Fitzgerald Hinds.

When reporters asked whether Scotland’s appointment was indicative of the Prime Minister’s lack of confidence in Hinds, Regis said it did not.

“The thing is, the Minister of National Security remains the Minister of National Security,” she said. “If he had lost confidence in the Minister he would have removed him.”

She noted that during Stuart Young’s tenure as Minister of National Security there was a minister in the ministry who handled immigration issues. She added that in her own ministry there were two ministers.

“Interestingly, it took some time before the Prime Minister felt that there was a need to put a second minister in the Ministry of National security, and that speak

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