Actually, Biden–who is the preemptive Democratic Party nominee because of the ‘apparently Black enough vote’–told radio host ‘Charlamagne tha God,’ if he didn’t’ know the difference between himself and Donald Trump, he is not Black.
Any way you interpret it, Biden may have given himself a ‘black eye’ (no pun intended) by verbally pimp slapping his Black supporters, most of whom were willing to ignore his other ‘mishaps.’
Moreover, just as quickly as Democrats seized on the Trumpster’s stupidity, Republicans have introduced commercials on Biden, asking if Black people are mere pawns, and the Democrats believe we can’t think for ourselves.
Biden’s arrogance may have opened the door for closer scrutiny of how Black voters are perceived by the DNC, and how its leadership high jacked the Black Freedom Train and recast the Black Power Agenda.
Hillary’s defense of the racist crime bill that Biden also supported along with many Black congressmen, and her exploitation of the mothers of murdered Millennials, backfired on her…and us.