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MKE Cares: Ordinance would require mask wearing in public spaces

Public Safety and Health Committee to take up legislation on Thursday (7/2)

It is time for the City of Milwaukee to take the important step of implementing a citywide face mask mandate for public spaces, and this week I am introducing Common Council legislation that would require the wearing of masks in public spaces to prevent the spread of COVID-19.

The MKE Cares ordinance will closely resemble the mask ordinance that has been approved for the City of Los Angeles where authorities have sought firm measures to reduce COVID-19 spread in all public spaces.

The MKE Cares ordinance I am introducing will go before the Public Safety and Health Committee during a special virtual meeting onThursday, July 2 at 9 a.m.

Those interested in providing comment electronically on the legislation should follow these steps:

Those wishing to provide comment by more traditional methods should email [email protected] and indicate the mask mandate file in the subject line or call (414) 286-2366.

The legislation is expected to go before the full Council for introduction during its July 7 meeting (just as with Thursday’s special virtual Public Safety and Health Committee meeting, it starts at 9 a.m.) which is available for viewing as it will be televised live on the City Channel – channel 25 on Spectrum Cable and channel 99 on AT&T U-Verse in the City of Milwaukee – and via streaming video on the city website at MKE Cares legislation is expected to be referred for a full hearing during a special Public Safety and Health Committee meeting on July 8.

Hundreds of local businesses (and growing) have signed on to a letter sent today to Mayor Barrett and Common Council President Cavalier Johnson asking them to take action to implement a citywide mask mandate for public spaces.

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