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Kamla, don’t do like Panday - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I have been an ardent supporter of the UNC for some time and over the past seven years I have had on many occasions to ask myself if the opposition under its current leadership is doing an effective job in holding the Government accountable.

The Government cancelled the MV Super-Fast Galicia, causing the sea bridge to collapse. It introduced two barges which were inefficient and then we had the Bridgemans scandal where the Prime Minister himself admitted that something crooked took place with that deal. And while the Opposition did make some noise, Rohan Sinanan is still the Minister of Works and Transport and five years later the Cabo Star is still here receiving hundreds of millions of taxpayers' dollars.

The PNM campaigned against the removal of the fuel subsidy in 2015 but on assuming office proceeded to increase fuel prices five times. The Opposition failed to get the Government to hold its hands on the removal of the subsidy or reverse any of its decisions to increase fuel prices.

The Government was allowed to get away with the closure of Petrotrin with absolutely no resistance from the Opposition.

Last year the country saw its highest murder toll in history (614) and again the Opposition failed to apply enough pressure on the Prime Minister to replace the Minister of National Security.

The Government has signalled its intention to increase water and electricity rates and while opposition MPs have attended some of the RIC consultations, the opposition leader herself hasn't. So, this is another burden that will be placed on citizens' heads with little resistance from the Opposition.

Kamla Persad-Bissessar has done us proud as prime minister but her stint as opposition leader has left a lot to be desired.

She is now leading us into two terms in opposition, is in the twilight of her career and "Kamlamania" has long gone. For all "greats" there comes a time when they have to hang up their boots. I ask that Persad-Bissessar do so gracefully and don't do like Panday who had to be chased out of Rienzi Complex by the same people who adored him for decades.


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The post Kamla, don't do like Panday appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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