BlackFacts Details

Documentary Films on - African American History - Director

A&E Television Americas Black Warriors (on World War II) 1998

A&E Television Slave Catchers, Slave Resisters 2005 Yes

A&E Television Save Our History: Voices of Civil Rights 2005 Yes

Abod, Jennifer The Edge Of Each Others Battles: The Vision Of Audre Lorde 2000

Adelman, Larry Race: The Power of an Illusion, Episode One, The Difference Between Us 2003 Yes

Adelman, Larry Race: The Power of an Illusion, Episode Two, The Story We Tell 2003 Yes

Adelman, Larry Race: The Power of an Illusion, Episode Three, The House We Live In 2003

Amoruso, Marino New York Noir: The History of Black New York 2001 Yes

Appleby, David, et al. At the River I Stand (The 1968 Memphis Sanitation Strike) 1993

Atkinson, Linda and Doob, Nick Carmen and Geoffrey 2009 Yes

Bagwell, Orlando Citizen King (The Life of Martin Luther King) 2004 Yes

Bash, Carol et al. Beyond Brown: Pursuing the Promise 2004

BBC Requiem for Detroit? 2011

Beauchamp, Keith A. The Untold Story of Emmett Louis Till 2005 Yes

Braswell, Kenneth Spitin Anger: Venom of a Fatherless Son 2014

Browne, Katrina Traces of the Trade: A Story from the Deep North 2008

Burnett, Charles Selma, Lord, Selma 1999 Yes

Burns, Ken The Central Park Five 2012 Yes

California Newsreel Shattering the Silences: The Case for Minority Faculty 1997

Capra, Frank The Negro Soldier 1943 Yes

Carter, Thomas Gifted Hands: The Ben Carson Story 2009 Yes

Champion, Gregg The Gabby Douglas Story 2014 Yes

Channing, Steven A. February One 2004

Collins, Matthew III American Experience: The Massachusetts 54th Colored Infantry 2005 Yes

Craigwell, Antoine You Are Not Alone 2012

Dall, Christine Wild Women Dont Have the Blues 1989

Dash, Julie The Rosa Parks Story 2002 Yes

David, Luke The Morgan Lacrosse Story 2008 Yes

Davidson, Dave A Place Out of Time: The Bordentown School 2010 Yes

Dixon, Amir Friends of Essex 2013

Dower, John Thrilla in Manila

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