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'They were inseparable' – Mother of crash victim hopes for joint funeral with best friend - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday


THE mother of a crash victim who was found dead along with his best friend on August 4 is hoping both could be laid to rest during a co-ordinated funeral.

Ryan Ramnanan, 29, of Tulsa Trace, San Francique and Sachen Teeluckdharry, 27, of Clarke Road, Penal were found dead on August 4, when Teeluckdharry's destroyed Nissan Navara was discovered by the Hunters Search and Rescue Team in the Cipeiro River under the Sir Solomon Hochoy Highway.

Speaking to Newsday at the family's San Francique home Ramnanan's mother Soma said he and Teeluckdharry met while attending Shiva Boy's Hindu College.

She said the duo had become inseparable over the years, and would always spend time together with Ramnanan often staying over at Teeluckdharry's.

Ramnanan's older brother, Sahadeo 'Rishi' Ramnanan, said the friends even limed together the week before the accident.

Soma said she believed it would be fitting for Ramnanan and Teelukdharry to receive a joint send off given that they died together after having a history of doing everything together in life.

"I want the funeral together but I don't know how that side (Teelukdharry's family) go plan, you know?"

An autopsy is yet to be conducted and the family is still uncertain about what could have led to the duo's tragic end.

"I don't know if it's bad drive, I don't know if it's sleep away or if it's wet roads. I really cannot say," Ramnanan's brother said.

Their families reported Ramnanan and Teelukdharry missing when they did not return home from liming on August 3.

They were last seen around 3.30 am on August 4 by some friends who passed them on the southbound lane of the Solomon Hochoy Highway near Gasparillo.

Ramnanan's father, Ramesh 'Bobby' Ramnanan said he was last seen at home around 8.30 pm on Saturday where he spent the bulk of the day with his brother and preparing a meal for his girlfriend of three months.

Now that his brother was gone, Rishi was grateful for the impromptu time he spent with Ramnanan on Saturday. He said he woke up that morning and decided to stay home to rest after working consecutive extended hours at PCS Nitrogen for plant shutdown.

"That was the most cherished day ever. Because the hours me and he does work, we don't be spending time so. Very rare we does lime together. Only when family come, and that's once a year."

Rishi said he ran errands with Ramnanan from around 1 pm and arrived home around 5 pm where they also limed in the hammock for the next hour. That's when he said Ramnanan received a message from Teeluckdharry to go lime in Chaguanas with some other friends. Rishi said he was unclear exactly where they went but he received a video of them at a club in Port of Spain.

Rishi said the last moment they spent together was when Ramnanan took him to visit a cousin in Gopie Trace while on his way to visit his girlfriend.

Ramnanan's parents said they did not think much of it when he did not return that night as it was routine for him to stay at Teeluckdharry's if they got home late from a night out.


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