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Pointing toanother firestation withno tender? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The people of Point Fortin are certainly in the news for good reason. They recently spent some $4.8 million on the ongoing borough celebrations. Obviously this should imply that everything is A-OK in the borough, otherwise they wouldn't be feteing.

More so, I'm seeing that in the coming fortnight they will get a new fire station, which is a plus for any community. However, it has become fashionable to open a fire station without a fire tender, so I'm hoping that in order to complete the delivery we will see a spanking new fire tender (more than one actually) stationed there.

After all, it can be a pathetic repeat of the Mayaro Fire Station which the public lambasted as being hastily opened without a fire tender as the photos shown by Inshan Ishmael and others revealed. How they laughed at the then prime minister. So we wait and see.

It is way too common to see jeeps, scooters and cars being presented to the fire service by the dozen when fire stations are without fire tenders and breeding apparatus. So when there is a fire citizens have to depend on a bucket brigade or a tub on a donkey cart while an appliance from elsewhere - maybe San Fernando - arrives without water, foam and a good hose (SMH - shake my head in dismay).

So, I am waiting to see what will transpire. I honestly hope the people of Point Fortin don't regret the $4.8 million party, as the authorities will have spent all the money and have none to buy a fire tender/water tanker.


St James

The post Pointing toanother firestation withno tender? appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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