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Parents want expert to join probe into babies’ deaths - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE parents of the babies who died of a bacterial infection at the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU) of the Port of Spain General Hospital between April 4-9 have called for their own representative to be part of investigations into the deaths of their infants.

Their call was contained in a signed pre-action protocol letter dated April 20 from Freedom Law Chambers to North West Regional Health Authority (NWRHA) CEO Anthony Blake.

The letter was signed by attorney Sue Ann Deosaran.

She noted the NWRHA's decision last week to send the head of its Infection Prevention and Control Unit, Dr Darrel Jones on administrative leave.

"Our clients consider this belated move to be nothing more than a token gesture that came as a result of mounting public pressure due to public outrage and anger."

Deosaran said it was obvious that certain people should have been immediately suspended once an investigation into this matter was announced.

She claimed, "Instead, the investigation was announced and the main protagonists were all allowed to remain on duty whilst the medical notes were being suppressed thereby providing them with access, opportunity and motive to fraudulently tamper with these records before the investigation could even start."

While Blake has publicly given the assurance there will be a transparent, fair and independent investigation, Deosaran said, "This is precisely why our clients do not consider that this a genuine and meaningful attempt to have a fair, transparent and independent investigation."

She claimed the NWRHA has hinted there could be further suspensions and staff have been approached by their superiors "with a view to pressuring and influencing them to sing from the same hymn book in giving statements to the investigators."

Deosaran said, "Some of these concerned members of staff have reached out to certain persons because they fear they will be victimised and oppressed if they speak the truth."

She expressed concern that the NWRHA seems to be conveniently sidestepping issues in the hope that they will go away.

Deosaran reiterated that parents have not been consulted about the proposed investigation into their babies' deaths.

This, she continued, includes the time frame for the investigation, its terms and reference and a commitment to make the final report public.

Against this background, she said, "They wish to have an independent expert of their own in the control of infectious diseases appointed as part of the investigating team at the cost of the NWRHA. "

The NWRHA was asked to give its position on this request.

Deosaran said the parents are concerned with possible tampering of the babies' death certificates.

"We demand an urgent explanation from you as to why on the death certificate for baby Skiye Samuel, the cause of death was changed from 'sepsis' to 'presumed sepsis'."

Deosaran said there has been no response from NWRHA to correspondence, asking why Samuel's medical records have not been released.

She referred to a public commitment made by Health Ministe

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