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Mom of Malabar murder victim: I wish I'd spent more time with him - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The mother of a Malabar taxi driver who was gunned down on Sunday afternoon is calling on parents to spend more time with their children and guide them towards better lives.

Shaquille Hall, 28, was shot dead while liming with a friend on Pomegranate Avenue, Malabar, when two men got out of a white Nissan AD Wagon and chased him before shooting him.

Speaking with Newsday at the Forensic Science Centre, St James, on Monday, Hall's mother Elizabeth called on parents to give their children the attention and love they needed.

Citing her own experience with her son, Hall said she wished she had been able to spend more time with him, as he spent his early years with his grandmother in Cumuto while she worked in the US.

"I am saying to myself that my mistake is that I went abroad to the US to work, I wasn't there for them.

"I wasn't there as a parent. I believe that's what they (children) yearning for, more than financial assistance. But parents need to understand that. Give them guidance, show them a lot of love."

Hall could not say for certain why anyone would want to kill her son.

She said he moved to Malabar relatively recently and may not have been familiar with people in the area.

"He grew up in Cumuto so he came to Malabar when he was a teenager. He didn't really know the people like those who he would have grown up with. He used to laugh and talk with everyone. He didn't know who was who.

"I believe Malabar has some war going on with this side and that side, so that's the most I can say. We're still trying to find out for ourselves."

Between Friday night and Sunday afternoon Hall son was one of seven people murdered.

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