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Chaguanas farmers threaten to sue State over land tenure documents - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

FOUR Chaguanas farmers are threatening to sue the State over land tenure documents.

They have written to the Commissioner of State Lands, the permanent secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture, the Attorney General, and the chief executive of Caroni (1975) Ltd.

The four farmers – Bissundai Rampersad, Dipnarine Mathura, Gangadaye Nanan and Patsy Harrylal – want their tenure documents for their assigned parcels of Caroni lands either updated or corrected.

Rampersad has asked for her expired tenure agreement to be renewed.

Mathura wants permission to subdivide his parcel of land.

Nanan wants her son’s name removed from the agreement.

Harrylal says record shows her father’s land, which he received as part of his VSEP package, is eased to someone else.

In all, but one case, their applications have been outstanding for close to 450 days. Nanan applied some 1,041 days ago for the authorities to deal with her application.

Their attorney, Richard Jagesssar, said on Monday his clients intend to seek several orders from the court to force the relevant authorities to deal with their requests for new or renewed tenure documents.

“It is untenable that an applicant may comply with all requests by the State only to be met with unnecessary and unreasonable delays.

“It is unreasonable to expect applications to be properly processed in an environment where the office holders themselves seem determined to cause delays. Such a process is indefensible in a free and democratic society,” he said in his pre-action protocol letter.

He said the overall management of lands already distributed and governed by tenure documents was an authority vested in the commissioner and the CEO of the Caroni unit.

Jagessar also said his clients will seek the court’s permission for a review of the failure of the State and the relevant authorities to treat with his clients’ requests, and orders compelling action to be taken.

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