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About Martin Luther King Jr. - Personal Facts

On January 15, 1929, Martin Luther King Jr. was born in Atlanta, Georgia. His father was a baptist minister and his mom a schoolteacher. Martin Luther King Jr. grew up to be a very intelligent boy. In 1934, at the age of five, he was already in first grade. However, when his teacher learned of his age, he was expelled from school. This did not deter the smart King as he went on to finish high school and in 1944 began attending the Morehouse College in Atlanta.

In June of 1948, he graduated from college with a BA in Sociology. In September of the same year, King attended the Crozer Theological Seminary in Chester, Pennsylvania. In May 1951, he graduated from Crozer with a Bachelor in Divinity. He went on to Boston University where he studied systematic theology as a graduate student.

On June 18,1953, Martin Luther King Jr. married Coretta Scott in Marlon, Alabama. In 1955, a lot of things happened to Kings life that will shape history. In June, King received his PhD. Months later on November 17, Yoland Denise, his first child was born. King will eventually be blessed with three more children: Martin Luther King III (1957), Dexter (1961) and Bernice Albertine (1963). December 1, Rosa Parks was arrested in Montgomery, Alabama after she refused to give up her seat on the bus for a white passenger. A few days later on December 5, King became the president of the Montgomery Improvement Association and the bus boycott began.

Martin Luther King Jr. has many contributions to society that it will take a whole book to discuss it. Here are some of his most famous work:

Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested several times and had many threats to his life. On April 4,1968, he was shot and killed while standing at the balcony of his motel.

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