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Separate the roles of MPs - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The current system where parliamentary representatives concurrently serve as ministers presents a significant challenge to effective community development.

While these individuals undoubtedly possess valuable skills, the demands of ministerial portfolios inevitably overshadow their ability to adequately address the pressing needs of their constituents.

Neglected communities across the country bear witness to this issue. Poorly maintained roads, inadequate street lighting, clogged drains, and a dearth of essential infrastructure are commonplace.

The lack of attention to these critical issues stems from the inherent conflict of priorities. Ministers, burdened with national responsibilities, simply lack the time and resources to effectively address the localised concerns of their constituents.

To rectify this situation, a clear separation of roles is imperative. Parliamentary representatives should focus solely on serving their constituents, addressing local concerns, and advocating for their needs within the legislative framework. This dedicated focus would empower them to effectively address issues such as:


Road rehabilitation: Prioritising road repairs, widening and improved signage to enhance road safety.


Infrastructure upgrades: Ensuring adequate street lighting, efficient drainage systems, and the installation of necessary infrastructure.


Community development: Actively engaging with residents, identifying community needs, and facilitating the delivery of essential services.


Garbage collection: Engaging with residents by sending out clear notice that garbage for various days can be collected, such as appliances, garbage in bags, light construction material, furniture, etc.

By freeing parliamentary representatives from the constraints of ministerial duties, we can ensure that the needs of our communities are effectively addressed.

This separation of roles would not only enhance community development, but also improve the overall effectiveness of governance in TT.


via e-mail

The post Separate the roles of MPs appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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