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Negative COVID-19 test not required for staff to return to work | Dallas Weekly

Negative COVID-19 test not required for staff to return to work





June 30, 2020

Parkland Health Hospital SystemException applies to hospital and healthcare personnel

Dallas County has seen a spike in the number of residents who have tested positive for the novel coronavirus and the numbers are expected to climb even higher as more individuals line up for testing.

In an effort to ensure there is adequate testing capacity, officials with Parkland Health Hospital System are reminding businesses that unless they are a hospital or healthcare organization they cannot require a negative test result in order for an employee to return to work if they have recovered from COVID-19.

The Supplemental Order of County Judge Clay Jenkins on continuing requirements after expiration of stay home, stay safe order dated June 16, 2020, states: “Employers shall not implement any rules making a negative COVID-19 test or a note from a healthcare provider before a COVID-19 recovered employee can return to work.”

“Parkland has seen instances where large employers have sent dozens of staff to drive-through testing sites who said they need a negative test result to return to work,” said Herron Mitchell, Director of Operations-East Region for the Population Health Division at Parkland.

Mitchell added, “We appreciate that businesses are trying to address concerns of employees and customers, but Dallas County has a limited daily testing capacity at our drive-up sites and that capacity must be used for people who really need the tests.”

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