In 2003, a young Kenyan businessman helping agents from the US Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) to track down Mr Kabuga was murdered by a hit squad.
They monitored all callers at Mr Munuhe's house but called off the operation after six hours, at 7pm, when Mr Kabuga failed to show up.
There was what had been termed as a business meeting with Mr Kabuga on January 5, 2003 but before it could take place, someone got wind of the planned ambush and a day before the meeting was due, the hit squad knocked at Mr Munuhe's door.
This, sources said, raised fears that Mr Munuhe could become an informer and expose the link between the government official and the fugitive and also reveal Mr Kabuga's whereabouts.
It is understood that Mr Munuhe had a series of meetings with US security officials to plan how to lure Mr Kabuga from his hideout.