BlackFacts Details

Voices of the Civil War Episode 16: "102nd U.S. Colored Regiment"

On May 22, 1863, the United States War Department established the Bureau of Colored Troops to organize and handle the enlistment of black troops into the Union Army. Colored infantries were formed all across the country. On May 23, 1864, the First Michigan Colored Volunteer Infantry was re-designated the 102nd Regiment United States Colored Troops. The 102nd fought throughout South Carolina, eastern Georgia, and Florida during the Civil War.

Overview of the Civil War in Kansas by Arnold Schofield - Duration: 43:01. Wichita Pachyderm Club 1,282 views

Lincoln and Lee at Antietam: The Cost of Freedom - Duration: 1:28:19. Janson Media 154,685 views

African American Faces of the Civil War: An Album - Duration: 55:33. LibraryOfCongress 8,744 views

Civil War Burials of the 55th Massachusetts African American Soldiers Found Metal Detecting.wmv - Duration: 6:45. 55thMassachusetts 206,572 views

The American Civil War: Every Day - Duration: 5:11. EmperorTigerstar 1,471,871 views

Black Confederate Civil War Battalions? Olbermann 10-21-10 - Duration: 6:53. baddalbatross42 4,075 views

Voices of the Civil War Episode 15: Alexander Thomas Augusta - Duration: 2:40. CHWMAAH 945 views

Voices of the Civil War Episode 18: New York Draft Riot - Duration: 5:27. CHWMAAH 8,900 views

The Coming American Civil War - Duration: 9:31. ThePatriotNurse 277,895 views

Children of U.S. Civil War Vets Reminisce About Fathers | National Geographic - Duration: 6:41. National Geographic 164,287 views

Re-enactors Celebrate African-American Contribution to US Civil War - Duration: 4:11. VOA News 823 views

Voices of the Civil War Episode 19: Douglass and Lincoln - Duration: 5:23. CHWMAAH 1,787 views

Voices of the Civil War Episode 23: Robert

Literature Facts

Jesse Williams' Speech (BET Awards 2016)

Science Facts