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Government moves to get Trinidad and Tobago national out of Ukraine - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

FOREIGN and Caricom Affairs Minister Dr Amery Browne said on Saturday efforts are ongoing to help a TT national living in Ukraine to leave that nation as fighting between invading Russian military forces and defending Ukrainian forces continues to escalate.

These efforts as well as developments related to the unfolding Russian invasion of Ukraine continue to be monitored at the highest levels in the Government.

Browne said, "The Prime Minister has remained fully briefed on developments." This person is the only TT national living in Ukraine.

Dr Rowley returned on February 25 from Doha, Qatar, where he attended the Sixth Summit of Heads of State and Government of the Gas Exporting Countries Forum (GECF). TT has been a member state in the GECF since 2008. Russia is also a member state in the forum.

Browne said, "The identified TT national is married to a Ukrainian and has been resident in Ukraine for the past 11 years. He and his wife live and work in Kyiv."

Since Friday, when contact was made with the man, Browne said he has been in communication with him by cellphone. "We have been exploring all available options at this stage for him to get out of that country."

"I have just been informed that a new Ukrainian government curfew has made one of the existing options impractical (for which our national had confirmed tickets in hand for ground transport out of the country)." A BBC report said the Ukrainian government imposed a curfew in Kyiv until Monday as it braced for renewed assault by Russian forces on the city.

Against this background, Browne said, "We have approached and are working with several other governments and agencies in the region to assist him and his wife to get to a neighbouring country."

"Updates and further details will be provided, with due consideration of concerns around safety and security of his location and movements."

In a statement last week, Browne said Government condemned the Russian invasion of Ukraine.

"I have instructed our overseas missions to use all available diplomatic channels and fora to condemn the outbreak of violence on Ukraine, to reaffirm our commitment to the territorial integrity of sovereign states, and to call for an immediate cessation of hostilities with reversion to dialogue and diplomacy as the only acceptable solution to the crisis."

Caricom condemned the invasion and called for " the immediate and complete withdrawal of the military presence and cessation of any further actions that may intensify the current perilous situation" in Ukraine.

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