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Explain honestly what is going on - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: TT has a water supply problem and the reality of why has yet to be revealed fully for the electorate to grasp what is causing it. Rational discussion is not possible in the meantime.

It was noted some time ago that the foreign oil and gas interests engaged by the Government would be conducting exploration and extraction that would be demanding more water than TT had. It could be that they quietly went ahead with that and water is being diverted directly from ordinary sources to meet "the need."

If this is the case, what it is saying is that the oil and gas interests were not made to invest in their own new water supplies like desalination; instead the burden of having less water was put on TT and the cost of having to eventually do something about it is left to us. We simply do not know for the moment.

Can the Government be transparent about this? In the mid-1990s we were discussing privately and publicly the problem of doing everything the wrong way and then scrambling to make it work while trying to prove it was the right way.

Every government since that time took that to heart and avoided it in due succession – except this present one. The Government exemplifies the very essence of wrong-headed. TT already achieved decolonisation and independence, but now what we see is that the nation's means and participators are being fragmented and dispossessed and its earning capacities and command positions are being channelled into the control of foreigners.

The gas-to-liquids (GTL) debacle demonstrates the potential of what can ensue for the whole of Point Lisas. It is not caused from a union or labour problem that "can't be fixed." Where the breakdown originates is a clique ideology of extreme capitalism that (1) must make every part subject to its scope of control and profit and (2) must ally with foreign operators.

For example, while labour is held to always offend point (1), the ideologues can only thrive circling wagons such as is provided in a very narrow interpretation of the Munroe Doctrine, for point (2).

What they can not begin to admit is that the labour question is a matter for sound management they detest and that the Munroe Doctrine has become wholly dated and unworkable and is in need of an amelioration. It simply cannot be that disagreement with very bad policies that are contrary to independence and the Constitution makes one an enemy of the State.


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The post Explain honestly what is going on appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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