COVID-19 Related Deaths Reach 3,000; L.A. County Officials Looking for Safest Way to Reopen.
The last COVID-19 case count was given publicly on Friday, June 19, by Dr.Ferrer.
This brings the total COVID-19 related deaths in the L.A. County to 3,063.
Fatal cases within congregational settings such as assistant living represent 52% of overall COVID-19 deaths.
Amid the general updates, Chairwoman of the L.A. Board of Supervisors Kathryn Barger shed light to this historic day, “ I would like to acknowledge that today is Juneteenth, we continue to look at this meaningful day in our nation’s history and look to our future as a county as a county and as a nation, with a commitment to unity and equality”
Dr. Ferrer stated, “This is in fact the day that we honor the strength and resilience of all who fought for and continue to fight to end of anti-black racism.