Black people often end up in the demographic struggling to repay student loan debt for a variety of socio-economic reasons caused by systemic racism that wreaks havoc on generation after generation in a cruel cycle of poverty and resource deprivation.
Democratic candidate, Joe Biden, has put forward a student loan debt cancellation plan for people who earn $125,000 a year or less.
The plan would forgive all undergraduate federal student debt for borrowers who attended community college, four-year public institutions, or private HBCUs.
Trump is also proposing to cut the Public Service Loan Forgiveness program, which offers student loan cancellation for full-time public service and non-profit employees who make 120 on-time payments over 10 years.
Trump seeks to replace that program with an income-based repayment plan that forgives undergraduate federal student loans after 15 years of payments for everyone, not just public service employees.