According to The Hollywood Reporter, Perry sent out a 30-page document to his cast detailing the plans to start production in July.
The lengthy document, titled “Camp Quarantine”, says that the cast and crew of the hit TV shows “Sistas” and “The Oval” will all stay on his huge studio campus in Georgia for the duration of filming as a way to protect against contracting the novel coronavirus.
While in Atlanta, the cast will wait for shuttles that usually seat 25 people, however, in order to maintain social distancing, the shuttle will carry 10 individuals at a time.
“It is with that sobering reality and the understanding that African Americans are disproportionately affected by this virus in vast numbers, and also knowing that my cast and crew members are largely African American — that we came up with this plan to return to work safely,” Perry’s letter read.
Although some productions around the globe have already resumed post-COVID-19 shooting, few have reported such extensive plans as Perry.