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(1921) Marcus Garvey “Address to the Second UNIA Convention”

By 1921 the Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA) was well on its way to becoming the largest predominately black organization in the world.  Marcus Garvey, the UNIAs founder, however, already recognized W.E.B. Du Bois and the NAACP as its chief rival.  In his closing night speech to the second UNIA convention in New York, Garvey lays out his vision of globally emancipated Africans.  Garveys speech appears below.

May it please your Highness the Potentate, Right Honorable Members of the Executive Council, Deputies and Delegates to the Second International Convention of Negroes of the World, Ladies and Gentlemen: - We are assembled here tonight to bring to a close our great convention of thirty-one days and thirty-one nights.  Before we separate ourselves and take our departure to the different parts of the world from which we came, I desire to give you a message; one that you will, I hope, take home and propagate among the scattered millions of Africa’s sons and daughters.  


We have been here, sent here by the good will of the 4000,000,000 Negroes of the world to legislate in their interests, and in the time allotted to us we did our best to enact laws and to frame laws that in our judgment, we hope, will help solve the great problem that confronts us universally.  The Universal Negro Improvement Association seeks to emancipate the Negro everywhere, industrially, educationally, politically and religiously.  It also seeks a free and redeemed Africa.  It has a great struggle ahead; it has a gigantic task to face.  Nevertheless, as representatives of the Negro people of the world we have undertaken the task of freeing the 4000,000,000 of our race, and of freeing our bleeding Motherland, Africa.  We counseled with each other during the thirty-one days....and out of all we did, and out of all we said, we have come to the one conclusion – that speedily Africa must be redeemed!  We have come to the conclusion that speedily there must be an emancipated Negro race everywhere; and on going