Wakanda News Details

Will Effective K-12 Education Survive Gov. Newsom’s May Revise Budget?

According to the Legislative Analyst’s Office (LAO), the actions taken by Newsom achieved overall school funding that is “roughly flat Newsom’s efforts, State Superintendent of Public Instruction Tony Thurmond said,” I want to thank Governor Newsom for working hard to prioritize and preserve public education … as we weather this economic downturn.

The governor, state superintendent of public instruction, county superintendents, school superintendents, school boards, charter school operators, corporations, foundations, and individual citizens have all joined in a monumental effort to bridge the digital divide needed to achieve student equity in participating in the distance learning programs school districts developed to take the place of classroom instruction.

Ting said, “Not only is there a lack of guidelines across districts, there is a lack of guidelines within districts … If there are no guidelines … it’s like we’re going into the Wild West…”

California Department of Education (CDE) representatives responding to Ting at an education budget hearing indicated that it was up to the school districts to determine how best to deliver distance learning.

While school districts have tried hard to make distance learning equitable, for many students it just hasn’t worked out.

The challenge the Legislature faces as it considers approving the education budget is to assure that enough funds are allocated for school districts to provide safe, effective learning opportunities for all students under current health emergency circumstances.

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