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What was PM treated with for virus? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Our Attorney General says the police are authorised to enter a private property with a public health representative to check on people who are present. The Prime Minister said recently as head of the NSC that private property is not off limits under the terms of the public health ordinance.

So if these things are true, what are we to make of the large wedding which took place in St Clair a few weekends ago? It is said that 200 people attended. Was this large gathering responsible for the large spike in covid19 cases over the past weeks?

The chief medical officer likes to say that they do not know the origins of the cases. Isn't that the purpose of contact tracing? The PM says he doesn't know how he got covid19. Isn't that the purpose of contact tracing?

The PM was positive for covid19 for about 21 days. He did not seem to have any symptoms. In fact he seemed more energetic during this period. What medication was used? Did he receive the monoclonal antibodies? Did he receive Dexamethasone? We are entitled to know the treatment used. He is a public figure, there can be no expectation of privacy, especially during a public health emergency.

If these treatments are so successful with the PM who has comorbidities and is over 65 years, then will they be used on all other seriously ill people? Do we have enough of these medications? The Medical Association is silent during this emergency. Speak up and help the nation. Everyone in charge seems to want us to just sit down and shut up.

We had ten more people in the high-dependency unit on Sunday. Are we to just wait for them to die?


St Joseph

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