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[UPDATED] Men gunned down in Belmont, Tobago on 1st day of 2024 - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

TRINIDAD and Tobago has recorded its first murder for 2024. Reports say around 6 am on Monday, residents of St Barb’s Road reported hearing gunshots.

Police arrived and found the body of a man identified only by the names “Josh” and “Stem” lying on the ground.

His body bore several gunshot wounds.

The murder took place on lower St Barb’s Road nearer to Belmont.

Residents say they are afraid the shooting will lead to further reprisal killings as there is an ongoing war between gangs based in St Barb’s Road, St Francois Valley Road and Gonzales.

They told Newsday the area where the shooting occurred fell on the boundary of all three communities.

“That is real problems. The first murder for the year, that is bacchanal, because it’s just retaliation men going and look for.”

The residents called for the authorities to establish another police post in addition to the one located on the Laventille side of the community.

They said a post nearer to the Belmont side of the community might help prevent further bloodshed.

They said, in the meantime, they intended to watch their “timings” as they believed the situation would only worsen.

“You have to watch how you moving. You can’t come in late and you have to watch everything. No liming either, because that is problems.”

“Just the other day, the police passed right here and telling we don’t stay outside too late. Imagine, the police telling we that.”

A nearby shop owner told Newsday the community used to be a quiet one and the murder had left her shocked.

Recalling a New Year’s lime held in the street just hours before the murder, she said she hoped the incident was an isolated one and she was not going to let it bother her.

“It don’t have nothing round here. Down here does be quiet but that real, real bad. The first shooting for the year. I don’t know if it is just a one-off but I am hoping so, because I living here years and my children, grandchildren and great-grand living around here.”

She added, “What we will do, we cannot do anything but we trying to keep the peace.”

Member of Parliament for the area and National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds was unable to comment on the incident and suggested we speak with Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher.

He offered, however, to speak on the broader issue of national security plans for 2024 at a later date.

Former police commissioner Gary Griffith, who also served as national security minister, declined to comment on the murder saying he believed “it will only escalate things.”

UNC shadow national security minister Dr Roodal Moonilal was unavailable for comment.

Call to St Barb’s/Chinapoo councillor Shaniqua Harris, Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher and police communications manager Joanne Archie for a response to residents’ concerns went unanswered.

However, Belmont councillor Nicole Young, whose district includes lower St Barb’s Road, described the murder as a “very sad occurrence” adding that she hoped the authorities were able to “get a handle” on crime this

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