Breaking Down the 2020 Agenda Lead by the California Legislative Black Caucus
The current social climate has been engulfed by the demands for equality within underserved communities, highlighting the brutality by police towards Black Americans.
Here is a summary of measurements proposed this year:
ACA 5 “ California Act for Economic Prosperity” or “Opportunity for all,” would remove Article l, Section 31 from the California Constitution; prohibiting the state to carry out any act of discrimination in the setting of public employment, public education, or public contracting agreements.
ACA 6 “ Free to Vote” restores voting rights to people serving parole, this would affect a massive amount of Black Americans in California that are incarcerated and play a critical role in re-imagining the justice system that weighs heavily with in African American communities.
She emphasized ACA 6 bringing voting rights to those serving parole, ACA-5 affirmative action that will be beneficial economically to prioritize underserved communities, and AB 3121 that will cover the feasibility of reparations in California.
With measurements pinpointing groups of people that have been severely hit by the social inequities, the 2020 legislative package has the ingredients to bring change among all underserved communities.