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Time for Granger to accept that he has lost the elections

When David Granger was pressed further on an earlier declaration by Basil Williams and Roysdale Forde that the Recount is illegal, again, he stated, this time emphatically, “as President of Guyana and Leader of the Government, it is my policy that any declaration coming from the Chairman of GECOM will be accepted by the Government of Guyana”.

But David Granger’s party, Wednesday night (3rd June), in an e-mail, declared that APNU+AFC would not accept the result of the ballot Recount, a statement which we must presume has the approval of David Granger, even before the Chairman of the Elections Commission can deliver her Commission’s verdict on the ballot Recount.

If, as she should, the GECOM Chair-man declares the result of the ballot Recount to be that, which the world can already see, the PPP/C has won the Elections, David Granger’s party have now told her in advance that they will not accept any such decision.

Not once, but twice, prior even to the Recount beginning and based entirely on the fraudulent Lowenfield Report from the Mingo tabulation, David Granger told his party followers that APNU+AFC had won the Elections.

As for these so-called anomalies, every day being claimed at the Recount stations by APNU+AFC Party Agents, these amount to minor infractions having no bearing on the overwhelming result of an election process, which all of the International Observers found credible and which Granger himself originally gave his blessings,

It is time, as I have said before, for David Granger to do the honourable thing.

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