Wakanda News Details

US hopes for speedy, credible end to recount - Pompeo

We look forward to a quick and credible conclusion to the vote recount in Guyana”, Pompeo said during his opening statement at a news conference at the State Department on the Release of the 2019 International Religious Freedom Report where he was joined by Sam Brownback, the Ambassador at Large for International Religious Freedom.

Since the March 2nd General and Regional Elections, Pompeo has made several statements and tweets on the issue underlining Washington’s determination to ensure the final result reflects the will of the people.

We commend CARICOM’s role in seeking a swift democratic resolution and it is important to note that the individuals who seek to benefit from electoral fraud and form illegitimate governments/regimes will be subject to a variety of serious consequences from the United States,” Pompeo had said back in late March, while also speaking at the State Department.

“As we overcome the threat to public health posed by COVID-19, the peoples of the Americas and the Caribbean face other challenges, such as the full restoration of democracy in Nicaragua and Venezuela; adherence to free, fair and credible electoral processes in Guyana; and holding the Cuban regime accountable for its malign activities,” Pompeo said in a statement.

The US and other western countries have expressed grave concern about the faulty District Four count from the March 2 general and regional elections and the possibility that there might be an attempt to swear in a president on this basis.

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