(Trinidad Guardian) Government will extend its facility to Venezuelans migrants in T&T up until December, Prime Minister Dr Keith Rowley announced Friday.
Rowley lost his cool, however, when Opposition MP Rodney Charles asked whether T&T was still saying it wasn’t bound by Rio Treaty sanctions.
Accusing the UNC of seeking to create distance between T&T and the US, Rowley said it didn’t take an AmCham meeting for T&T businesses to know about trading.
On whether T&T would remove itself from the Treaty, Rowley angrily accused the Opposition of using as its basis that “the US say…that’s how they make policy.
To Oropouche EastMP Roodal Moonilal’s question about whether it was good to have disagreement between US lines and T&T policy, Rowley said this country is well-considered and civilly open on foreign policy but was being attacked by UNC MPs because another country has an issue with it.