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Time for govt price controls on food items - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: With the ongoing rise in food prices, the Government must embark on a system of price controls for all food items.

The Minister of Trade should stop talking about the price of food and boasting that this country has a large supply of flour in stock.

The flour stocks now available should not be the subject of sudden increases as indicated by the NFM release on Tuesday.

A serious-minded government would have cushioned the prices of basic goods.

By the way, whatever happened to the list of items that are supposedly VAT zero-rated? I ask because the price of everything in the grocery has gone up.

Housewives facing the market this weekend will be shocked at vegetables prices. And a similar rude awakening will greet when they go to the bakery.

Soon there will be no roti and doubles because of the price of flour, which many people depend on for their sustenance, and the wedding cake may take a beating. Many could be unemployed as well, as food places go out of business.

The nation must ask how is it that commercial companies keep making billions in profit every year when the economy is struggling and public servants cannot get a decent wage increase for the past eight years. Something is wrong.

The political leadership appears not to be functioning on behalf of the people. We need a more caring and concerned government. Gas prices have gone up four times, the price of rice has also seen an increase and now flour.

I hope both the Minister of Finance and the Minister of Trade wake up and smell the coffee before it is too late. Look to price controls for basic food items - for the sake of the people. We are under serious stress.



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