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Falling sick from burningof rubber? - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: When last did anybody see people burning garbage and tyres on the international news media? Is it possible to die from smoke inhalation? Why are some TT citizens fixated on the idea that disrupting traffic, preventing the economy from moving forward are signs of intelligence? What is the level of understanding of what is a real and present danger? Are people who live in the countryside areas unaware that they can die because of all that thick smoke? It is so pitiful to see the elderly and young children looking on, seemingly clueless that they could get seriously ill.

Worse is seeing Members of Parliament and regional corporation staff egging on the demonstrators. To prove what? Make the Government look bad because of potholes, landslides and water shortages by encourage constituents to endanger themselves? A brain-dead piece of political strategy?

Then you have the onlookers safe at home passing remarks about how TT poor people are just so stupid. Harming themselves because they believe they are making important political statements? Says who? Your MP who should know better than to encourage chaos?

The only statement to be derived is that poor, uneducated people are destined to die young. Why? Because the people with common sense will never endanger their own lives or the lives of their children.

Demonstrations are important in a democratic society. You can march anywhere, say anything, light hundreds of candles. But once you add the burning of tyres and garbage, crapaud smoke your pipe.

There are other ways to make political statements beside lying down in a hospital bed gasping for breath and with painful burns.

And, who will be visiting you in hospital bringing grapes? Not your MP or corporation staff. Grapes are for their own children, not you and yours.

Are the people who burn being used as an easy and convenient political tool? Think about it.


Diego Martin

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