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WESTERN BUREAU: Students of Norwood Basic in St James will get a pleasant surprise when in-person classes resume on October 5 after the Kiwanis Club of Montego Bay spent J$200,000 to tile the school’s assembly area and front steps. Members of the...
By Trevor Coleman and Trevor W. Coleman II For more than 50 years the McDonald’s Corporation took pride in branding itself as a socially conscious corporation particularly interested in doing business in abandoned and long-ignored Black communities while embracing racial diversity as a critical
As part of the organization’s #ReclaimYourVote campaign, the National Urban League, in partnership with BET and other key civil rights organizations, has designated September 18, 2020, the first-ever National Black Voter
WASHINGTON, DC - Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., President and CEO of the National Newspaper Publishers Association (NNPA) announced today that he and the NNPA have agreed to assist the efforts of Earvin “Magic” Johnson, majority owner of EquiTrust, the nation’s largest minority-owned insurance
In two public listening sessions, Boston residents questioned the Boston Police Task Force about body cameras and implicit bias
B-CU, Daytona State and ERAU are scheduled to start classes next month. BY ANDREAS BUTLER DAYTONA TIMES The coronavirus pandemic shut down colleges and universities back in March, which resulted in schools across the nation moving to online learning for spring and summer semester classes. As