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Remove shackles from police in crime fight - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: The continuing noise surrounding the extension of the contract of Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher is unnecessary simply because the contract is already signed, sealed and delivered. So, what is all this hot air about? Say what you will, there will not be a reversal. And at any rate there is no justification for a reversal.

Those opposed to the extension of Harewood-Christopher’s contract judge her leadership of the police service against the background of the untenable crime situation. It may seem fair game, but it's not so. The police alone cannot end criminal activities. And at any rate the police are constrained to act not only by law, but by threats coming from civil and political groups hell-bent on protecting the human and fundamental rights of the criminals. And to hell with the victims.

If you don’t believe me, just listen to what Prof Ramesh Deosaran said last week and you will understand how the police and the governmental agencies tasked with dealing with the criminals are tied up like a Sunday crab by rules, regulations and threats of pre-action protocols against this, that and the other.

It has become so ridiculous now that even the Police Complaints Authority (PCA) is seeking to equip its investigators with bodycams as they investigate police action against criminals in the course of their duties.

If I had my way I would suspend the PCA. This agency, it seems to me, feeds on the narrative of people who harbour the criminals and then shed tears when the police act. The PCA seems to exploit the “nice fella, good boy” syndrome of those harbouring the criminals. Time for us to get serious and stop pampering those bent on criminal behaviour. Give the police a free hand to deal with the criminals and you will see the difference.

Last week’s shoot-out that left four people dead is the kind of show of force the police must take to signal that criminal gangs will not control TT. Time has come for the police to instil fear in the criminals and not the other way around.

When Harewood-Christopher assumed duties a year ago she committed herself to concentrate on ten issues. A May 19 newspaper article reported there was some level of achievement in at least seven of them. That is good enough for me.

The commissioner had aimed for a ten per cent reduction in murders and she achieved a seven per cent. She had aimed for a 20 per cent reduction in the murder detection rate and she achieved an 11 per cent. She had set a 25 per cent target for the detection rate in violent crimes and achieved a 17 per cent decrease. There was a 17 per cent drop in violent crimes; a 19 per cent decrease in serious crimes and a 19 per cent decrease in road traffic accidents.

Give the police commissioner space and remove the shackles from the police and we will see more of last week’s action that will challenge the criminals on their turf.



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