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Rapidfire Kidz Foundation, UNI TnT host annual Christmasas treat - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

The Rapidfire Kidz Foundation and Canadian charity UNI TnT hosted their annual hospital Christmas treat at the San Fernando Teaching Hospital on December 14.

[caption id="attachment_1128567" align="alignnone" width="1024"] UNI TnT treasurer Carlos Maharaj shows off one of the toys distributed at the Christmas treat at the San Fernando Teaching Hospital on Deceber 14. -[/caption]

A media release said, the event was a fun-filled one, as the group, which included a number of “elves”, moved through the three paediatric wards of the hospital, presenting toys, footballs, board games, colouring books and crayons to the children. The children gleefully received the toys, and parents expressed gratitude for the initiative.

[caption id="attachment_1128569" align="alignnone" width="1024"] A young patient enjoys the toys he received at the Rapidfire Kids Foudation and UNI TnT annual hospital treat. -[/caption]

Foundation president Kevin Ratiram said that RKF has been doing the treat every Christmas since the foundation was formed in 2012. “A few years ago, UNI TnT started partnering with us, and there’s been no turning back. That partnership continues many years later. This treat is very dear to us. Nothing beats the feeling of bringing some joy to sick children at this time of the year. This year, we also extended the treat beyond the usual San Fernando Hospital. We’ve also sent toys for the children at the Point Fortin Hospital."

[caption id="attachment_1128568" align="alignnone" width="1024"] Giatri Bissoondial-Mahadeo and Johnny Quash have some fun at the Rapidfire Kidz Foundation and UNI TnT annual hospital treat at the San Fernando Teaching Hospital. -[/caption]

Some 53 children in total were treated between the two hospitals, the release said.

Ratiram said that the treat ended an extremely successful year for the foundation, which did projects on a monthly basis, including the construction of a playpark at the Debe Hindu School in October.


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