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PENAL IN PAIN – Survivors of triple murder call for police protection - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

FIVE women who survived the execution of three of their male relatives on Tuesday morning in Penal, are calling for police protection out of fear that they might be targeted next.

They are also seeking help to bury their dead and a safe place to move out of “the house of death” which has been the scene of four murders and another shooting within the past three months.

Linda Bhajnath who lost her son, Anand Kumar, 42, grandson Kishore Kumar, 18, and son-in-law, Rolly Hosein, 26, told the Newsday, “I am frightened for my life.

“I cannot live here any more. I want to move to a safe place with daughter, daughter-in-law and my two granddaughters.”

She said this is the fourth killing in this house. Her brother-in-law, Narine Singh was killed on March 27, by an unknown assailant in the downstairs apartment of the house in which Tuesday’s incident occurred. His wife and Bhajnath’s sister, Marla, has since moved out of that apartment.

[caption id="attachment_1012902" align="alignnone" width="459"] Anand Kumar[/caption]

Sometime in January or February, she said, another tenant who lived in another one of the downstairs apartments, was shot in his hands when gunmen came calling. They believe that was the person the gunmen were looking for when they returned to the house on Tuesday morning at 4 am.

Bhajnath said she lived in the house at Mathura Trace, Charlo Village, Penal, with her daughter, Kimberly Dean and Dean’s common-law-husband, Rolly Hosein.

She said after her brother-in-law Narine Singh was killed, her son Anand and his family came over to sleep with her at nights because she was scared.

On Tuesday morning, she said, they were all asleep when they were awoken by a loud knocking on the door.

She said someone shouted “Police, open the door.”

Dean, who was asleep on a mattress with Hosein in the drawing room, said they got up and rushed into the single bedroom where Bhajnath, and the Kumar family, including Anand’s wife Parbatie, Kishore and their two daughters were asleep.

“They kicked down the door and came inside and called for all of the males to come outside.”

[caption id="attachment_1012903" align="alignnone" width="548"] Kishore Kumar -[/caption]

Bhajnath who said she was shaking in fright, got up, but one of the gunmen said, “Mom sit down, we don’t want all you.”

She said the three men were ordered outside and a short while later loud shots were heard.

“I thought they were shooting their guns in the air to frighten them, but when one of my granddaughters peeped through the window, she started to cry and say they kill them.”

A video posted on social media showed the three men lying face down, in individual pools of blood.

“They take my husband and my son. I don’t know how me and my daughters are going to survive, because we don’t work. I don’t even know how we are going to bury them. Family said they would help but they don’t have much either.

“They left five women, with no men to protect us.”

She said she didn't know why someone would want to kill the men in the family.

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