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THA to keep tabs on guests in accommodation sector - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

CHIEF Secretary Farley Augustine says the THA intends to create a system through which those in the accommodation and transportation sectors can put into a database everyone that comes to rent a room or a car on the island.

Augustine announced the initiative on August 8 during a news conference at the Shaw Park Cultural Complex. It was among a suite of measures aimed at addressing Tobago’s worsening crime situation.

The island has to date recorded an unprecedented 19 murders for 2024, most of which the police believe were gang-related.

The briefing included THA Minority Leader Kelvon Morris, Tobago Chamber of Industry and Commerce president Curtis Williams, Tobago Hotel and Tourism Association president Alpha Lorde and head of the Tobago Division ACP Collis Hazel and other security officials.

Augustine said, “Through the TITL (Tobago Information Technology Ltd), we are going to create a platform that every guest house, every Airbnb, every hotel, everyone in the accommodation sector and every car rental can put into a database everyone that comes to rent a room or a car here in Tobago.

“This is whether you are coming from outside of Tobago or you are a Tobagonian looking to rent somewhere temporarily within the island of Tobago.”

He continued, “This database is to allow us to have, in real time, information on who is staying where. The reality is that those with the propensity to commit crimes are very mobile, they tend to rent three to five places around the island and they move about quite often.”

Augustine said by guesthouse operators and car rental owners reporting voluntarily through the database, “you can in fact keep your families and your establishments safe because we will have the opportunity through the TTPS, at a centralised location, to see who is where and at what time.

“Of course, that helps us in keeping you safe and also protecting the integrity of your varying establishments.”

He said the initiative is similar to what occurs in the airport where the TTPS will receive a flight manifest that will tell them who is leaving or coming to the island.

With respect to Tobago’s porous borders, Augustine said the THA also intends to procure two fishing vessels, by way of rental, for the Coast Guard to carry out patrols along the shorelines and in and around the marine park.

“Currently, the Coast Guard works along with the fisheries department and they do, in fact, have some monitoring of the marine park area in Buccoo, the lagoon area. But it is not enough given what we are seeing and what the intelligence is providing for us on the island.”

Additionally, the THA will also provide the Coast Guard with land transportation so that they can travel between their two operational bases at Charlotteville and Scarborough.

Augustine said they also intend to focus on communities, through the Division of Community Development, Youth Development and Sport, with a view to allowing citizens to become more empowered “to take charge of their social security needs.

“How do we empower the communit

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