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Mohit rejects Cox’s claims of UNC card fraud - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

CHAGUANAS East MP Vandana Mohit rejected claims made by Social Development and Family Services Minister Donna Cox about alleged fraud in a Mastercard programme launched in 2012, under the former UNC-led People's Partnership coalition government.

Mohit also dismissed Cox's reference to her being employed with the former people and social development ministry which handled that programme.

She made her responses to Cox during the budget debate in the House of Representatives on Tuesday.

Referring to comments made earlier in the debate on the matter by Cox, Mohit confirmed that she was employed with the ministry in 2012.

She rejected any inference by Cox that she had knowledge about the card programme.

"I am here not to defend myself but to set the record straight. I have lived a life of service."

Mohit said she dealt with PNM and UNC representatives equally when she was at the ministry.

On the specific allegation of fraud in the card programme which Cox raised, Mohit said. "I know nothing about what the minister spoke about here today. It was heavy on insinuation and low on fact."

She was offended by Cox calling her name in this matter.

"Don't try to dirty my name."

On a couple of occasions, Speaker Bridgid Annisette-George cautioned Mohit about the volume of her speech.

Mohit apologised, saying she was passionate and upset about what she had heard in the debate so far.

She claimed the statements made by Cox were an attempt to distract the population from what the Government was really doing.

"They shut the doors on the disabled. They are coming to take your food cards."

Mohit disagreed with comments made by Labour Minister Stephen McClashie in the debate on Monday about an "eat a food" mentality by some people in the On-the Job Training programme.

She also found no comfort from National Security Minister Fitzgerald Hinds about Government addressing crime.

Mohit said, "Trinidad and Tobago is in an undeclared state of emergency."

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