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Medical practitioners come to Gringo’s aid

THE plight of the ailing popular actor and comedian Lazarus “Gringo” Boora has touched the hearts of members of the Medical and Dental Private Practitioners of Zimbabwe Association (MDPPZA) who have decided to donate their services and medication to rescue the famed entertainer. BY WINSTONE ANTONIO “We, as the association of private medical practitioners, MDPPZA, are touched by Gringo’s fate and we have joined hands as we are looking at all the avenues of assisting him,” MDPPZA president Johannes Marisa told NewsDay Life & Style. The MDPPZA secretary general Cletos Masiya said Gringo was now admitted at Westview Medical Centre in Ruwa and was being assessed for final diagnosis. “As an association we have an arm which specialises in corporate social responsibility (CSR). Right now, Mr Lazarus Boora is at Westview Medical Centre in Ruwa were he is receiving treatment. He is fairly ill, but stable. Unfortunately, he lost quite a bit of time when he was at home as he did not have access to medical care and that complicated his medical condition,” he said. “A group of various medical personnel have been attending to him under the banner of the association and I can confirm that he is being attended. He has received some drips, antibiotics and some pain killers as we are still assessing him to see what the diagnosis will be which will inform the final or on-going management as this is an evolving condition.” Marisa said from a medical point of view the association was trying to assist as there were several tests that needed to be carried out. He added that other well-wishers looking to help the celebrated actor could reach out to the family. “We are also looking at having him (Gringo) get blood tests done and ultra scan including a chest X-ray, so we have called upon the team members within the association top provide some of these things,” he said. “Where we don’t have the necessary skill set or the facilities as an association, members have also been contributing via EcoCash and some are paying cash to raise towards not only for the current management, but also other forms of financial support in terms of his treatment as he shall need money for reviews, medications, home care and food.” Gringo, who was on his way to full recovery having undergone an appendix surgery in October last year, fallen sick again, this time battling intestine obstruction. He also has back and hearing problems. His wife Netsai Meki confirmed they had struggled to raise funds to get him treated. According to Meki, last week they took Gringo to a hospital in Waterfalls as the condition was worsening and they were told he was dehydrated and indications were that he might have an infection in his intestines. But the bills were to high and the family failed to raise fund for tests or medication. A father of seven, Gringo rose to fame in 1997 after featuring in a drama series of the same title Gringo that was screened on national television ZBCTV before he went on to feature in other spin-offs of the show like Gringo Ndiani, Gringo Mari Iripi, Gringo

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