Wakanda News Details

Zimbo launches digital communication platform

BY BLESSED MHLANGA ZIMBABWE has firmly put its footprint on the global digital market after a local software engineer developed a versatile virtual learning and communications platform in collaboration with the country’s telecommunications regulator, Postal and Regulatory Authority of Zimbabwe (Potraz). The Glue Virtual Platform, developed by South African-based Zimbabwean engineer Richard Chinomona, was launched in Harare on Wednesday by Potraz director-general Gift Machengete. The platform, according to Machengete, has the capacity to compete with international products such as Zoom which has become a household name since the outbreak of COVID-19. “Indeed, this latest platform that we are launching here today deserves recognition because for a long time, Africa has had to rely on virtual collaboration and communication platforms developed outside the African continent such as Zoom, Skype, Microsoft Team, Google Meet and Cisco Webex among others,” Machengete said. Glue offers more features on its basic package, making it affordable for many who have been failing to pay for advanced features on other platforms. “Honourable (Information Communication Technology minister Jenfan Muswere) minister, what is most impressive about the Glue Virtual Platform is its versatility as it offers more features on its basic package than any virtual communication and collaboration platform on the open market,” he said. Speaking at the same event, Muswere said he was excited because the platform was safe to use by African governments who can now store their own information securely in an era of espionage.

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