The National Education Health and Allied Workers' Union (Nehawu) said since Level 4 lockdown only 30% of the workforce was supposed to be in the office and this has caused delays in how many deeds can be registered.
The deeds office in Cape Town worked out a system where 30% of the staff would be in the office and the rest would do a "hybrid" of going to the office to fetch documents, working on them at home, and then return them.
Mali said this meant it would "take forever" for staff to get to their offices if they went back to their full numbers and if they only travelled two people at a time in the elevator.
Mali said the office was closed once after a worker was in contact with a family member who had contracted Covid-19, adding the office was disinfected and there was a 24-hour wait until staff returned.
Ngcobo added the deeds office was working with one third of its usual staff numbers.