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Kangaloo makes first address to Parliament on Monday - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE new parliamentary session will begin with a ceremonial opening at the Red House in Port of Spain on September 11 at 1.30 pm.

In accordance with tradition, the opening will involve simultaneous sittings of the House of Representatives and the Senate.

The occasion will also see President Christine Kangaloo give her inaugural address to members of the House and Senate at a joint sitting of both houses of Parliament.

Kangaloo succeeded Paula-Mae Weekes as President on January 20 when she was elected by the Electoral College of the Parliament.

The college comprises all members of the House and Senate, including their respective presiding officers.

Kangaloo was senate president before her election as President.

In Legal Notice 266, dated August 30, Kangaloo issued a proclamation for Parliament to be prorogued at midnight on September 8 (Friday).

Kangaloo said the proclamation was issued in accordance with Section 68 (1) of the Constitution.

The section authorises the President to prorogue or dissolve Parliament at any time, acting on the advice of the Prime Minister.

In Legal Notice 267, also issued on August 30, Kangaloo said a proclamation was issued for the parliamentary session to begin on September 11 at 1.30 pm.

That proclamation was issued in accordance with Section 67 (1) of the Constitution which allows for a parliamentary session to be held "at such place within Trinidad and Tobago and shall commence at such time as the President may by proclamation appoint."

Kangaloo said it was possible for any member of the House or Senate to attend the opening of the new term virtually, once they obtained prior approval of the Speaker of the House of Representatives or the Senate President respectively "in accordance with guidelines to be established."

According to the order paper for Friday's sitting of the House, the main item on the agenda will be debate on a motion by Attorney General Reginald Armour, SC, to extend the Economic Sanctions (Implementation of United Nations Security Council Resolution 2653 (2022) on the Republic of Haiti) Order, 2023.

Addressing a Caricom heads of government meeting in Port of Spain in July, UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres appealed to Caricom leaders to help Haiti, which is a Caricom member state.

"The security situation (over there) is appalling, humanitarian needs are soaring, and there is not yet the political solution in sight."

Guterres said the crisis must be viewed against the long shadow of centuries of colonial exploitation, extortion, dictatorship and other screaming injustices.

Saying security and democracy went hand in hand, he vowed to advocate for the deployment of an international security force authorised by the UN's security council and able to co-operate with the Haiti national police to dismantle the gangs that have created this unprecedented violence.

"And I register the fact that those African and Caribbean countries have shown their availability to participate in this effort.

"And I appeal to those that have the capacity

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