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Independent Senator Vieira: Update environmental laws - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

SPEAKING in a 50-minute sitting of the Senate on the afternoon of July 5, Independent Senator Anthony Vieira, SC, agreed with with Prime Minister's statement on June 14 that the Environmental Management Act needs to be revisited, but not for the same reasons.

Referring to a June 14 Newsday story, Vieira said, "The PM is reported to have said, 'We need to revisit the Environmental Management Act as it is being used to obstruct rather than help development.'

"This while reiterating Tobago needs to be a major tourist destination and declaring the proposed construction of a $500,000,000 Marriott Grand Hotel at Rocky Point has his and government's full support.'"

Explaining his reasoning, Vieira said, "Next year the Environmental Management Act will be 30 years old. It is therefore time to review how it has worked, where it falls short and where it can do better."

Vieira said 30 years ago scientists warned about climate change and the dangers, but their voices were drowned by "cover-ups, counter-narrative and distractions by the fossil-fuels sector.

"Today, the Caribbean is living through the consequences of the dread advance of global warming. We know better.

"Climate change is no longer a risk of the future...it's happening as I speak."

He said while the desire to bring employment and business to Tobago is "commendable, it ought not to be a case of one or the other.

"We don't need to choose between jobs and the environment. With the right policies in place, we can have both."

Vieira said tourism has evolved and the need for large-brand hotels may not be good for the country.

"There is a noticeable shift toward more diverse and sustainable option in island destinations, while it may not be sensible to build expensive seafront structures with rising sea levels."

He said google searches show once-thriving beach resorts and former celebrity hotspots are rotting, crumbling or completely taken over by nature.

Vieira said the Environmental Management Authority (EMA) was established to regulate environmental laws and not "pick sides."

He added many environmentalists believe the EMA is not doing enough.

"They see the EMA as an inadequate, ineffective and toothless organisation which is failing to protect the environment."

Vieira said while threat levels are increasing rapidly, the country's response level have not been keeping pace.

"At this moment, protecting the environment is the most important thing our leaders can do for our people.

"We need to upgrade our environmental laws, we should rename the Environmental Commission into 'environmental court,' recognising it as a specialised environmental court, we should remove bureaucratic obstacle of direct party actions under the EMA Act, we must provide the EMA with the capital and resources it needs, expand the environmental police unit to 50 members – 11 in Trinidad and two in Tobago currently – and we need to unlock the Green Fund and use the money as intended."

Minister of Planning and Development Pennelope Beckles, responding to Vieira,

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