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Citizens need vaccine choices - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: Viruses are the ultimate disease pathogen. Their biology is designed to evade and overcome their host's (you and me) resistance. SARS-CoV-2, the virus responsible for the covid19 pandemic, is no different. Viral diseases are very difficult to treat and the most effective control option is vaccination. This medical tool has been successfully and widely used for many dangerous diseases such as polio and measles all over the world. Why are we not universally adopting this option with covid19?

Several covid19 vaccines have been developed, tested for safety and efficacy and ultimately approved for emergency use by the WHO. The rollout is underway across the world. Countries are aiming for herd immunity vital to managing spread.

Access to vaccines globally is definitely inequitable. Whether this is due to manufacturing constraints, patency restrictions or pure capitalistic greed is to be debated. Epidemiology does not care. Natural evolution accelerated and magnified by greater opportunities for mutation associated with high prevalence rates in vulnerable (unvaccinated) populations only serves to prolong the pandemic.

The level of health literacy in TT is relatively high. True some misinformation is being circulated especially on social media. But is it all fake? Highly reputable media sources have been sharing updates online. Some have raised valid questions as to the efficacy and safety of some vaccines. Some countries have reported unexplained high infection rates among the vaccinated, depressed antibody levels and opted to shift vaccines or replace with booster shots of other brands.

A review of the WHO report on the source of the original SARs-CoV-2 opens more questions than answers. Transparency is clearly not being practised. As global citizens, and I dare say victims of this pandemic both in terms of lives and livelihood, we are entitled to know all of the facts. This certainly applies when we are making life-changing choices.

Citizens must be empowered when making vaccine decisions. Sharing of correct information and slick messaging can only go so far. Effective health promotion must dig deeper into the factors leading to vaccine hesitancy. The recent rush to get the AstraZeneca vaccine suggests that hesitancy may also have to do with brand. Anecdotally, I have been told this by several people who are yet to be vaccinated.

It is commendable that the State is seeking to ensure equity in vaccine access and regulate the vaccination rollout and hence protect the population. But maybe vaccination rates have plateaued way below the desired herd immunity levels. Have we reached a point where citizen must be empowered to choose which vaccine they want to enter their bodies? Can we consider a dual access model - public/private sources? People can choose to acquire (even pay) for the vaccine brand they feel comfortable with.

This may just give us a fighting chance to face the delta, lambda or any other more virulent variant that may be heading

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