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Include art by prisoners at exhibition - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: In his recent news briefing, the Prime Minister indicated that as a part of the celebrations to commemorate the nation's 60th independence anniversary, there will be an art exhibition. I support that decision.

However, I am of the firm view that the exhibition provides a golden opportunity for the artwork by some of our very talented prisoners to be put on display for public viewing and purchase.

I saw recently the paintings by some prisoners and I was very impressed. It brought joy to my heart. However, my pleasure was tinged with sadness as I reflected on the fact that these artists got into trouble with the law despite their obvious talent, which could have permitted them to live very comfortably, from a financial point of view. Evidently, especially in the absence of proper guidance, talent can be upended by negative lifestyle choices.

The display of paintings by prisoners at the independence art exhibition would go a long way towards providing a forum for the paintings to be sold and provide much needed financial support for their families. Entrepreneurs who have a special interest in art are usually in search of new and emerging talent. As a consequence, some of the prisoners may be able to secure lucrative contracts, and perhaps permanent, well-paying jobs immediately upon their release from prison.

The relevant authorities should ensure that the art exhibition receives widespread coverage via YouTube and other social media platforms. Mainstream media should also be involved in this regard.


St Augustine

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