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Hosein’s criticism of CoP unwarranted - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I am of the view that we need more influential female politicians in our Parliament. We need that feminine touch, that natural instinct that most women possess, to understand the benefits of a social event/interaction as an important device to achieve more harmonious relationships, inclusive of working relationships, within critical organisations. Such social interactions boost comaraderie considerably and lead to higher productivity levels.

Opposition MP Saddam Hosein recently expressed his utter consternation that Police Commissioner Erla Harewood-Christopher could sanction, at this time, the hosting of a tea party and fashion show at her official residence by the TT Association of Women Police.

He believes this is the wrong time for such an event, given the current high crime rate. He posits that instead the women police should be out on the streets doing their job.

Hosein needs to educate himself on the benefits of such social interactions. He seems to be clueless on this matter. What the CoP has done is par for the course, nothing exceptional. The hosting of social events is a standard feature of police around the globe.

Indeed, given their obvious benefits, such events are highly recommended by renowned human resource practitioners, internationally, not only for the police but for all organisations where people are employed. A perusal of reputable human resource management literature will bear testimony.

Such events are generally regarded, globally, as welcome opportunities to bond with the community served by the organisers and as important trust-building exercises.

So much of the work that the TTPS is required to do will be greatly enhanced by the willingness of the public to share critical information with its officers. People generally do not trust people they do not know. This is amplified, significantly, in the case of security matters.

Some of our politicians, especially our inexperienced ones, do not seem to grasp the importance of what appears to them to be very informal and useless social events. They think such events are simply opportunities for people to overindulge in food and drink and, generally, to have a good time.

Diplomats and human resource practitioners know otherwise. A lot of important work gets done at such events. Sometimes that is where the real work gets done and is subsequently ratified at a formal session.

The CoP is actually doing her job by hosting this event at her official residence at this time. Accordingly, Hosein’s criticism of her is wholly unwarranted. He needs to research the matter, better inform himself, and do his job as MP.

One of my friends has said that I am too naive. In his view, Hosein knows better but his condemnation of the CoP was an attempt to tag her as a hapless PNM lackey, given that her recommendation by the Police Service Commission found favour with the Prime Minister and his parliamentary team.

Everyone is entitled to his/her views. However, the Opposition also supported the recommendation of the commission.


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