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Fed up of candelight vigils - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE EDITOR: I am an older person. But by the grace of Almighty God I am still going strong, holding the strain on the chariot of life, engaged in the epic of the Bhagavad Gita, the chronicle of Krishnen Bhagawan's narration of Arjuna's eternal battle.

In so doing I say that I am completely fed up of candlelight vigils for victims of crime. I am sick of town meetings with police officers to tell them how disgusted I am that they treat people like hogs. I am angry that there are potholes everywhere, while Rohan Sinanan wastes millions on bottlenecks on the highway.

Indeed, I observed that he was so nicely attired to blend in as one of India's rickshaw drivers on the taxpayer sojourn to India and I thought, well, maybe rickshaws would be introduced in TT to deal with Trinidad's terrible roads (hell no).

Every day it's the same thing: give police the information and they will act. We now have no place to run as down to the doubles vendor is under vicious attack from extortionists. This is what sickens the nation - that we have a prime minister who hears daily about the murder and mayhem, while he receives benediction at a temple in faraway India and on return his concern is some nonsense which his minister-in-charge created.

Now I am hearing the ministers are horrified by crime? Seriously? Have they been tied up, robbed, terrorised, maybe forced to watch a gang rape or urinated on in a kennel as the Trinidad Guardian reported? Of course not, they have enough to pay their ransom in the dead of night without batting an eyelid and the police or FIU not even saying anything.

Indeed, criminals love candlelight vigils, they love peace marches, they love walks by children and old people, useless fogeys, to take back the country. No sooner they return home they will be robbed of their pension and choked to death. Candlelight vigils embolden criminals as they know for sure that the law-abiding remain soft targets.

Mark my words, the response to all of this crime will be tint laws, road traffic tickets and licensing crackdowns.

Does anyone really think they are doing anything when extortionists demonstrate clearly that they mean business and police openly admit that they are outgunned and outmanned? The police we depend on are unenthused, they have a zero leader, they don't get enough money, they drive around in old cars and damaged jalopies, and are only effective in quelling UNC demonstrations.

Damn those vigils.


St James

The post Fed up of candelight vigils appeared first on Trinidad and Tobago Newsday.

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