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Declare assets, remove sanctions and corruption

LOOKING out of the window from MDC's Harvest House on a Tuesday morning in March 2009, I was baffled and lost on what I was hearing from our boss, Morgan Tsvangirai. “(President Robert) Mugabe is indispensable, he is part of the problem, but also part of the solution. We must ask the Western powers to remove the sanctions’’. Most MPs attending the caucus meeting were petrified and quietness enveloped the room. We listened attentively as our boss made a U-turn on sanctions as he bellowed his newly found solution to end the crisis in Zimbabwe. guest column:Anadi Sululu My conscience quickly landed on my campaign trails in Silobela where I had told the masses that there were no sanctions in Zimbabwe. Instead there are restrictive measures on targeted individuals that included the Mugabe family and other high-ranking politicians and businessmen linked to Zanu PF. My followers were convinced and even today there is no serious basis for claiming that sanctions has destroyed our economy, it has become even more apparent that bad governance is the author of our woes. That afternoon, Tsvangirai made the same statement in the august House, calling for the removal of sanctions and asked the US, Britain and other European countries to unconditionally lift the ban. The Government of National Unity (GNU) had taken the fighting spirit, courage out of the MDC as it had surrendered to Zanu PF’s demands. Truly, I was saddened and vexed because we had betrayed our supporters. As a dedicated politician, my parliamentary values of honesty, accountability, consistency and integrity were tarnished. It appears I had lied about the sanctions against my personal ethics, conscience and morality. We are still in sanctions confusion 11 years down the line. Sadc and African Union platforms have embraced Zanu PF's anti-sanctions mantra. Most Zimbabweans have ignored the campaign and rather intensified the call to end corruption. Our national leaders have failed the nation and confused the populace. Can we be bleating about sanctions for 20 years, yet our country burns and the masses suffer? The GNU never solved the four outstanding issues namely electoral, security, media reforms as well as the sanctions to seal the Global Political Agreement (GPA). In the agreement, MDC was expected to facilitate the removal of sanctions first before the other three can be considered. I strongly believe that the MDC bargain for the GNU deal was ill-advised and incomplete. Zanu PF acted in bad faith. Also the allocation of ministerial posts was biased and unfair, leading to the MDC loss in 2013. I call upon MDC leaders, Thokozani Khupe, Tendai Biti, Welshman Ncube and Nelson Chamisa, to explain why these issues were left outstanding and never finalised during the GNU as stipulated. In 2019, Tsvangirai visited Australia, Europe and the US with a delegation including Walter Mzembi (Zanu PF) and Welshman Ncube (MDC N) to call off sanctions. I guess that is what Zanu PF intends to do again with the unusual Khupe team in Parliament. Without electoral reforms, elections

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