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Cops were teen’s clients in sex trafficking case - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THE police service is now investigating the involvement of its own members who were clients of convicted human trafficker Anthony Michael Smith and had sex with the minor he hired and forced into prostitution.

Information about police officers involvement in the sex trafficking matter was revealed by the Judiciary in a statement.

In light of that information, Justice Geoffrey Henderson, who presided over the trial, directed the Registrar of the Supreme Court, “to forward the transcripts of the proceedings to the Counter Trafficking Unit (CTU), which contained evidence that members of the police service had sexual intercourse with the 16-year-old.”

In the Judiciary's statement, it said the teenager in search of a job had been forced into prostitution with her first client being a foreign national staying at a waterfront hotel in Port of Spain.

"The 16-year-old was required to continue sex work while she attended part-time school. She testified that her last client was a police officer," the statement said.

It added the minor came from the home of a single-mother who struggled to care for her five children. The girl left school and went in search of a job to assist her family.

The victim who is now in her early 20’s and lives outside of the jurisdiction, was flown back to TT to give evidence before a judge and jury.

The court heard that in her first interview she was invited by Smith to remove her clothes to be photographed, understanding the true nature of the job he wanted to hire her for.

She declined that offer and was given the job as a bartender.

[caption id="attachment_1043778" align="aligncenter" width="352"] Convicted sex trafficker Anthony Smith. - TTPS[/caption]

However soon, she was coerced into engaging in sex-work, while she attended part-time school.

She also testified she was subjected to physical, emotional and sexual abuse from him.

The Judiciary’s statement said that in August 2015, the minor informed Smith of her decision to leave and was only allowed to leave with some of her belongings that could fit in two bags.

She was forced to leave behind her puppy and other belongings, including her passport.

Her passport led police to her and eventually the arrest and conviction of Smith.

Director of the Counter Trafficking Unit Dr Samantha Chaitram confirmed to the Newsday on Saturday, “I have received the transcript and would act on it. I cannot say any more.”

Confirmation of the investigation also came from the police service corporate communications manager Joanne Archie on Saturday.

“That information would have to be forwarded officially to the commissioner with all the facts to initiate the investigation against the police officers.

“The CoP will now have to put together a team and give instrument of appointment as it relates to that investigation.”

Archie told the Newsday that the conviction of Smith, a former bar manager from Tunapuna, who escaped after removing his electronic monitoring device during his trial in September, is not the end of the matter.


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