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THA aims to maximise revenue from quarry - Trinidad and Tobago Newsday

THA Secretary of Infrastructure, Quarries and the Environment Trevor James is aiming to maximise revenue to the coffers of the THA from the Studley Park Quarry.

Last Thursday, James and assistant secretary Joel Sampson visited the quarry, which is fully owned by the assembly. They met with the management and staff of Studley Park Enterprise Ltd (SPEL) and toured it to get a first-hand view.

After the tour, James expressed confidence.

'I am confident that we can transform the quarry into the type of business that produces enough profits that we can feel proud of.'

He said the quarry remains a resource that he believes can be monetised in a better way.

'We think that the potential here is unmeasurable, and we are determined to ensure that we are maximising what we can from this natural resource.'

He has three targets for the quarry.

'The goal is to ensure that we are exporting as much as we can to ensure that we are gaining foreign exchange; to ensure that we are supplying Tobago and the Division of Infrastructure with the materials that we need; and to ensure that the Trinidad market, we dominate it, as best as we can. If we can do all those three things, we in Tobago would make a lot of money from the Studley Park Quarry.'

He said the quarry had previously fallen short.

'We have not demonstrated over the past few years is the ability to harness the correct human resources so that we are in fact having the right people in the right places to ensure that we produce at a level that bring benefit to the island.'

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